About us

The history

Christian Fahrngruber’s grandparents bought the house “Der Tannenbaum” in 1930, which later became a restaurant and a hotel. In 1960 his parents bought “Herzog-Wilhelm”, today’s “Hôtel du Train” and designed it – in keeping with the spirit of the times – into a ‘hotel of single rooms‘, albeit with a high artistic standard. Lucas Suppin, the well-known Austrian artist, member of the Vienna Secession, even paused a collaboration with Pablo Picasso for this commission.

The Vision

We wanted to bring our building back to a new, more contemporary level, combined with an idea from history. Christian Fahrngruber had long been playing with the idea of creating something extraordinary from the traditional “Herzog-Wilhelm”. Within him, the desire matured to take the legendary train from Agatha Christie’s novel “Murder on the Orient Express” and make it a reality in the form of a themed hotel.